P.G. Gould - Community in archaeology: an assessment
S. Rippon - Communities, continuity, and change: territorial identities in early medieval southern Britain
G.P. Brogiolo - Comunità rurali e beni collettivi tra fonti scritte e paesaggi stratificati
A.M. Stagno, J. Narbarte Hernández, C. Tejerizo García - The social dimension of commons between practices and jurisdiction. Case studies from southern Europe (17th-21st c.)
J. Benedito-Nuez, J.J. Ferrer-Maestro, J.M. Melchor-Monserrat -Pervivencia y transformación: testimonios arqueológicos de la dinámica urbana de la ciudad romana de Saguntum entre los siglos III y VII
E. Zanini - Cost, value and wealth redistribution: micro- and macro-economy in Early Byzantine evergetism
S. Bortolotto, N. Cattaneo, A. Garzulino, S. Massa, S.M. Masseroli, R.M. Rombolà - Castelseprio archaeological site: LiDAR and GIS multiscale dataset supporting on-field investigation and enhancing landscape understanding
F. Andriani, F. Armenise, G.A. Panzarino, S. Sublimi Saponetti - Signs of interpersonal violence and war: paleotraumatology in Apulia during the Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages
E. Dorado, J. Herrerín, I. Ramírez, L. Parro Klippel-Feil - Syndrome in a Mudejar population: a sign of endogamy in a social minority
G. Marra - Studio del paesaggio storico urbano di Ascoli Piceno nel Basso Medioevo: dalla ricostruzione alla comunicazione digitale con Google Earth
C. Bonacchi, M. Lorenzon - Assessing the transforming social values of cities in the longue durée: analysis of a Florence neighbourhood from the Middle Ages to the present
G. De Felice - Novecento. Apulia at war. A project of archaeology of the contemporary past between research, education and participation
S. Schivo - L’archeologia nei manuali di storia: il caso di Padova
J.C. González Vargas, R. Fabregat, A. Carrillo-Ramos, T. Jové - Motiv-ARCHE: an augmented reality application to co-create cultural heritage resources with teenagers