Volume 8 (2018)




G.P. Brogiolo A new urban archaeology for a systemic history of the post-classical cities (OPEN ACCESS)

E. Lorans, X. Rodier, A.-M. Jouquand Tours: origins of urban archaeology, new approaches and new questions (OPEN ACCESS)

M. Fondrillon, A. Laurent-Dehecq, with E. Morin, X. Rolland Methods of assessment and characterization for urban stratification at Tours and Bourges (France) and the question of early medieval dark earth deposits (OPEN ACCESS)

Y. Devos, A. Degraeve Urban environmental archaeology in Brussels (Belgium): perspectives at the onset of the 21st century (OPEN ACCESS)

E. Castiglioni, M. Rottoli Brescian archaeobotanical studies, Romanization to Early Medieval periods (OPEN ACCESS)

A. León El urbanismo de Córdoba andalusí. Reflexiones para una lectura arqueológica de la ciudad islámica medieval (OPEN ACCESS)

F. Giacomello Rudena in Padova: sources and data integration for an analysis of a late medieval district (PCA YOUNG RESEARCH PRICE/ OPEN ACCESS)

B.J. Groenewoudt, R.J. van Lanen Diverging decline. Reconstructing and validating (post-)Roman population trends (AD 0-1000) in the Rhine-Meuse delta (the Netherlands) (OPEN ACCESS)


M.Á. Valero Tévar Anthropic dynamics and vegetation landscape in the inland area of the Iberian peninsula: new perspectives drawn from palynological studies at the villa of Noheda (Cuenca, Spain) (OPEN ACCESS)

L. Lamanna Il canino mandibolare con doppia radice come indicatore di parentela nei cimiteri antichi. Il caso studio della necropoli altomedievale di Montichiari, Monte San Zeno (BS) (OPEN ACCESS)

M. Asolati, M. Kenawi, G. Marchiori La moneta nel contesto archeologico, la moneta come contesto archeologico: il caso dell’Unità 4 di Kom al-Ahmer (Delta del Nilo, Egitto) (OPEN ACCESS)

A. Cosseddu Un’eredità da proteggere e comunicare. Summative evaluation del Museo Nacional de Arqueología Subacuática.ARQUA di Cartagena (Spagna) (OPEN ACCESS)

M. Valenti Aspetti risarcitori e comunitari nell’Archeologia Pubblica nord americana: tra dibattito e approcci di ricerca diversificati (OPEN ACCESS)


F. Niccolucci Integrating the digital dimension into archaeological research: the ARIADNE project (OPEN ACCESS)