Submission of a manuscript implies that:

- the article has not been published before. This includes publication in different languages;

- the article is not under consideration for publication elsewhere;

- the article has been approved by all co-authors. Moreover, co-authors have consented to the submission of the article to the journal Post-Classical Archaeologies;

- the article represents the authors’ own original work;

- the authors are free from any conflict of interest.


Post-Classical Archaeologies discourages guest and ghost-authors, and authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the article and who share responsibility for the research. In dubious cases, Editors can require a statement of each author’s contribution to the research and publication.

Changes to authorship (adding or deleting authors) will be accepted only prior to publication, with a request by the principal investigator sent to

Plagiarism, self-plagiarism and acknowledgment of sources

Plagiarism is defined as the presentation of another person's thoughts or words as author's own. Any quotation from the published or unpublished works of other persons must, therefore, be clearly identified as such by being placed inside quotation marks, and quoting the sources. Plagiarism also takes place through paraphrasing of another’s work without citing the source.

However, authors should also be aware of self plagiarism (text recycling), reproducing statements and/or phrases previously published (including those published in different languages), without identifying them by putting quotation marks.

Authors should therefore clearly cite, reference and acknowledge all instances where they have used others' work, including their own previously published articles.

Information obtained in conversation should be reported by acknowledging the source and specifying that is a personal communication.

Reproduction rights and permissions

Each author must clear reproduction rights for any photos or illustration, credited to a third party that he wishes to use (including content found on the Internet).

Authors wishing to retain the copyright in an image should indicate this by adding into the figure caption wording such as “© [Author name]” or “Copyright [Author name]”.

Reviewers suggestion

If asked to provide a list of suggested reviewers, authors must provide the details for reviewers with the appropriate experience to review, ensuring that the suggested reviewers do not have a conflict of interest.


A manuscript that doesn't follow these publication ethics will be subject to sanction at the Publisher's and Editors' absolute discretion.

In cases of plagiarism or self plagiarism recognised prior to publication, Editors can ask to cut or substantially change the article in order to publish it.

If cases of plagiarism or self plagiarism are discovered after the publication, authors will be banned of future submissions for 5 years.


Green (delayed) open access

The journal Post-Classical Archaeologies offers a delayed open access (green) after an 12-months embargo period. We encourage authors to self-archive the post-print version in the institutional repository of their university/institute after the embargo period.

However some papers or entire numbers could have an earlier open access publication depending on particular fundings received for publishing the journal.